You ask me THAT? How dare you?
The reservation saga going on in India for past fortnight brings the ultimate control of power Indian government exercises over its citizens. It is just insanely crazy that the dimwit minsters make up a decision and arent even willing to give a proper explaination as to why they choose to give 27% reservation in the first place.
Case in point is Arjun Singh's interview by Karan - it is bizzarely funny - imagine what must be going on inside the head Mr.AS
"Yeah, he is going to try to rap me a bit, but I will just say that I dont know in as many possible ways as possible"
"Who the hell he thinks he is really, I AM THE UNION CABINET MINISTER, and shouldn't that make me above reasoning"
"It is an interview, where I talk and people listen. People dont question me"
"I am not answerable to no one - Indian public is herd, thats right goats, sheep, cows, holy-cow at that"
"What, really? He wants me to answer that. Wait, can he reall ask ME THAT?"
I am sure, this is the attitude many politicians in India possess and thats what they grow up with. No wonder they turn out to be so asinine and callous.
Democrazy is what is India today - Indian public moves one step forward and politicians pull us two steps backward. They divide us in the name of caste, religion, gender, skin color, language, race and myriad other ways. They dont care about governance, all they care about is seeking power and keeping that power.
Amids't all this nonsense, Sensex loses about 1500 points, and billions of dollars are lost. I am sure that it is the powerless middle class small investors are the ones who lost their shirt, but our ignominous government never cares for him. After all - "isnt being poor" - a celebrated treatise according to great Congresswallahs? So why should there be any middle class - there should be poor and then should be Netas...