Coach P : what the fcuk!

You really want to know? Huh,huh, huH!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Tucson at it Baby!!

I always held a belief that Tucson has one of the most fitness conscious public, inspite of being a haven for people who wants to retire (being the warm valley, etc). Whenever I used to head towards the mountains on the north, I would find scores of people running or biking along the bylanes.

Not to mention the ever busy rec-center, being the university town etc. I am quite surprised that Austin didnt find its place on this top ten list because I find such freaks on streets here too, but then Austin cannot boast of such biker/hiker friendly locales like Tucson.

If not for the pig-headedness of Tucson's voting public, we (the proud UofA wildcats) would be living/working in dear old zona town - Tucson could have taken the berth of high tech town and also gets its share of liberal crowd, because UofA at one point wanted to take that crown away from Berkeley - if you think I am making tall claims, go visit the city yourself; those grafitti walls near Grant and I-10 intersection speak for the whole city.



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