Coach P : what the fcuk!

You really want to know? Huh,huh, huH!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

How not to get 911-ed

No, I am not talking about the horrible 9-11 events that shook the whole world. I am talking about the emergency response system that has heralded this country into the next generation - which has been symbol of 'value of life', which western nations hold so dearly to heart.

Yet - there was one woman who collapsed with a failing heart and right beside her was a child less than 6 yrs old. He did what exactly he was taught to do. He asked for help, he identified the gravity of issue at hand and acted upon it, only to be treated as a trivial child.

Lo behold he calls AGAIN for help after 3 hours - I cannot even fathom what that little child had to go through in 3 hours (imagine you get a direct line with "God" and you were told that this whole "God" business is only a joke after all), he dialed the number again. The lady who answered the phone asked her not to play on phone - his heart might have sank at being reprimanded yet again. I think tha takes guts to call again - I salut him for that resilence. I wish he called sooner, but I am sure he was confused to a 'cynical no return' point, but he overcame that. He not only lost his mom, but also his trust in the system.

When the Scandinavian nations are debating whether it is acceptable to give 'voting' rights even to new-born children, how can the most advanced nation act in such cold and old fashioned way - the way of trivializing kid's sensibilities.

I hope that this would serve as a wake up call and alerts everyone out there. I dont have a solution to this (as my subject title suggests) - the only solution to this is pure common sense.


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